Prenatal and Postpartum Massage Therapists: Charlotte, NC


These providers are:

✓Supportive of homebirth


✓Trained in prenatal and postpartum massage


Ara Healing, Elizabeth

Massage during birth:

Belly massage: Yes

Reiki: No

Directions: 322 Lamar Ave #214, Charlotte, NC 28204

(704) 490-0872

Price: $95/hr

Provider: Angie, LMT

Altruistnbb, Grier Heights

Massage during birth: Yes

Belly massage: No

Reiki: No

Directions: 3120 Latrobe Dr,

Charlotte, NC 28211

(407) 716-5529

Price: $100/hr

Provider: Angela Winder, LMT

Tesia Love, Southpark

Massage during birth:

Belly massage: Yes

Reiki: Yes

Ayurveda: Yes

Directions: 4900 Park Rd, Charlotte, NC 28209

(704) 969-5671

Price: $95/hr prenatal, $120/hr postpartum

Provider: Tesia Love, LMT

Intuitive Connections, Southpark

Massage during birth: No

Belly massage: Yes

Reiki: Yes

Ayurveda: No

Directions: 5200 Park Rd, Charlotte, NC 28209

(864) 590-4057

Price: $80/hr

Provider: Lindsey Griffin, LMT

Flowing Circle Massage, Steele Creek

Massage during birth:

Belly massage: Yes


Directions: Golden Family Chiropractic, 13739 Steele Creek Rd #103

Charlotte, NC 28273

(980) 585-1001

Price: $85/hr

Provider: Juli, LMT


Abode Wellness Center

Belly massage: Yes

Reiki: No

Provider: Christan Hunsbedt, LMT


Arches Bodywork

Belly massage: Yes

Reiki: No

Provider: Marilyn


Birth Bag


Prenatal, Postpartum and Newborn Chiropractors Charlotte, NC